You shouldn't label people, just blogs...

Thursday, April 18, 2013

To do do doodle-y doo

The view from where I sit. 'cause a post needs at least one pic...

Today's To Do List:
Take exit exam
Study for M Com 320 final
Study for RecM 404 final

Today's Actually Done List:
Watch all the Vine videos of people in my ward
Give self sugar headache
People watch from my balcony
Contemplate packing
Watch “Kittens Inspired by Kittens”
Drink about 5 water bottles
Write this blog post…

Not to worry, I did take the exit exam around lunchtime.  Read: 130 questions asking about the geography core. For those who still think geography is about studying rocks and are wondering what they’d ask on an exam such as this, let me enlighten you. 

The questions covered courses on physical and human geography, natural hazards and disasters, geography and world affairs, map use and interpretation, statistics, and GIS.

The following is a small sampling of actual (or close to) questions… GET EXCITED!
I overheard the secretary say some other random kid and I were the last two to ever take this version of the exam as they are redoing it. So I have no qualms about posting these questions on my little blog.  (Not that it matters anyway….)

Why would it be important to know what a maquiladora is?
There are________UTM zones that are numbered beginning at _________.
With a latitude akin to the Hudson River area, the climate of the Mediterranean is considered anomalous. What might account for the warmer Mediterranean climate?
Which three things characterize a region?
On a 1:10,000 scale map one mile would be equal to _______inches?
Which statement is true regarding the Ogallala Aquifer?
Air in a high pressure system is_____________and rotates____________ in the Northern Hemisphere.
What percent of US population growth is from immigration?
Your friend asked you about conflicts in Kalmykia and Ossetia. How would you best explain to him where these regions are and the reason for these conflicts?
Which of the following is not an erosional landform?  Cirque, Ocean Cliff, Erg, Mesa.
Which statement accurately describes environmental determinism?
In the dairying regions of the US, liquid milk production occurs_________. (ummm…..what?)
A person living in NYC is most likely to die from________.
Tell me some crap about the von Thunen model.

I promise I didn’t make any of these up. Okay, maybe I took liberties with the last one.

For the record, it’s been a year since I’ve taken any core classes. The last core class I took was GIS.  Pretty sure it's the only section I was sure of.   

Oh and remember how I got my stats class waved??? Those questions were fun… I got to try remember back to my high school AP course :/

Suffice it to say, it’s a good thing your exit exam grade doesn’t affect your ability to graduate!

Whelp, I’ve two finals to take tomorrow, and as it is now almost 7pm, I should probably start studying. 


Friday, March 29, 2013

...and this is why!

In spite of the fact that I just realized there are only TWO weeks left of classes, and I have SO much to do before the end of the semester, today truly is lovely!  Considering my to do list, I really shouldn’t be sparing the time to write this post, but I feel the world is smiling at me today and it needs to be noted. 

Maybe it’s just the warm weather.  It does always seem that spring sunshine brings with it an infectious sort of happiness that everyone and everything must instinctively feel. 

And since it is Good Friday, maybe the world just wanted to send some good my way. 

Or maybe since today is a holiday when the Christian world commemorates Christ’s crucifixion, the happy that is circulating campus today is a little reminder of the happiness that comes because of Christ's sacrifice for us.  To some the sunshine on a historically “dark” day may seem “contradictory,” but I think it’s fitting as it reminds one of the glorious event that follows Christ’s death—His resurrection!  So much light came from that one moment of darkness, that I think sunshine is most certainly called for today!

I didn’t intend to go off on a religious tangent, but with that lengthy introduction, I want to share with you some things that are making me happy today:

//The sunflowers at my desk are still alive!//

/A pretty planner came in the mail for me.  The lists of things I need to do before the end of the semester don’t seem so bad when they are written in a cute book-yes?//

//Behold the adorable Easter treats I made for my 2:00 class.  Yes, even university students (and their professor) enjoy snack-time at school. Double bonus: our class got out early! //

//My friends Ben and Caitlin are getting their engagement pictures taken today! Yay for love and marriage (and good picture weather)!//

//The object you see below is a key.  And miracle of miracles, somebody found it on campus today!  I lost it 2 weeks ago, and assuming no one would find it/even know what it was, got a new one from the office.  I had to pay a hefty replacement fee :( But since some good soul found my old one, bye-bye $50 charge on my account! //

Anyway, I hope you are also having a lovely day!  Happy Easter!

Friday, March 22, 2013

...because I have some exciting news!

So I don't know about you, but I'm feeling twenty-two it seems that all my peers are opening mission calls or getting themselves hitched! Now, before you get any ideas, I don't intend to make a mockery of either marriage or missions.  Both are wonderful and are things I fully intend to do one day. However, I will admit I am a little jealous of the congratulations and hoopla surrounding said events.  Therefore, I want everyone to know that I too am doing something exciting!

(...ok why am I only hearing crickets chirp?)

I know earning your bachelor's these days is becoming equivalent to what getting your G.E.D. used to be, but I still think it's pretty freakin' awesome!  And I would like some notoriety please.

I mean, this has been 4 years of hard work in the making.  And I'm sure many of you doubted I would ever pick a major. But come April I will be donning a ridiculous mortarboard and will be walking across a stage in the Marriott Center to get my empty diploma holder! (Assuming I don't fail my European study abroad classes in May, my actual diploma will be mailed sometime thereafter.)

So my fellow bachelor's candidates, I want to give you a shout out (since no one else is): CONGRATULATIONS on your upcoming graduation!

Also let me offer you the same compliments that only get paid to missionaries and engagees, but are nonetheless applicable to you: That's sooooo exciting!  You're gonna be awesome!  I can't wait for the big day! Be sure to invite me! (any others I missed??)


p.s. I'm sorry if you now have T-Swift stuck in your head.  My bad.

Saturday, March 16, 2013

i should just pin things on pinterest

Considering I created a tab entitled "Ooh-la-la" to file away my lovely internet finds, it follows that I should populate said tab with posts containing those things.  So here are the latest and greatest finds. Do enjoy!

//cleaning checks tomorrow-this is my room//

//i need to buy myself some of these//

//my friend Amanda wrote this clever piece//

//this has become my motto for the semester//

 //I want need to try this recipe//

//this may just be the best byu meme ever created (professor kearl's econ students will be amused)//

//and just for funsies I discovered this half-written post from my London days...too bad i never finished it. it had promise.//


p.s. It appears the sun gods were pleased by my neighbors' tribute and saw fit to bless us with lovely weather this week!  Consequently, I didn't mind tonight's repeat drum performance.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

I'd like sound proof insulation please.

I will be the first to admit that I am fond of anything that remotely "channels the Navajo;" however, enough with the drum circle! 

Press play to experience the loveliness I got to listen to while I attempted to study Sunday night.  It appears that our pow-wow friends across the street decided it is again warm enough to drum and dance in their front yard.  Alls I can say is it better be a dance awakening the sun gods and bringing spring or else the next time they drum there will be blood.  Have a terrific Tuesday! :)


Tuesday, March 5, 2013

A survey and some crafting: a post in two (completely unrelated) parts {M Com Blog #8}

Part One:
One of the mandates for my M Com Blog is to create a survey for my readers to take.  I have many thoughts on taking surveys; but rather than fill this post with those thoughts, I decided to let the survey speak for itself.

Therefore, I hope you'll take it.  It will be entertaining! (Really, though.)

Part two:
I decided I don't do enough cliche Mormon blogger things on this site; so, I think it is time I changed that.  Yes, my friends, I am going to share a craft with you!

It's not just any craft.  I am doing this properly.  Anyone who's attended a Mormon "homemaking/enrichment/relief society activity" knows that no craft arsenal is complete without one certain weapon.  On a scale from one to Mormon, *Sorry, had to slip another scale in somewhere ;)* this is right up there with funeral potatoes and family reunions.  I am talking--of course--about Mod-Podge!  For those unfamiliar with this sticky, white substance: it is an all-in-one glue, sealant, and finish.

I even purchased it at the local Hobby Lobby.  I told you I did this properly!

Mod-Podge has even become a verb. For example: Today I mod-podged. I woke up feeling artsy.  It happens sometimes.  Unlike the true artists out there, I can't produce on demand.  Songwriting, drawing, for me, it only happens when I'm having one of my "creative bursts." Thus, when the feeling comes on I go with it.

This morning I had elephants on my mind and a blank canvas sitting around.  Behold!

There you have it: my Mod-Podge masterpiece.  I quite like it!

Friday, March 1, 2013

...because it's Justin Bieber's Birthday!

Confession: I'm a belieber.

It's true.  Though my devotion to Justin may not match my brother's (may I refer you to this post), I do love his music.  He's a talented kid--not to mention adorable!  It was a truly great day when Justin cut his hair and got rid of that unfortunate mop. I like his "grown up" do much better.

Anywho, Justin turned 19 today!  I know this birthday may not be as exciting as last year's--after all, it was a big deal when he turned 18. It officially made it so I wasn't a pedophile. (Another Confession:  I had to look up how to spell pedophile.  After 3 unsuccessful attempts, in which the squiggly red underline refused to budge, I turned to Mr. Webster.  Yet Another Confession: My spelling was so off Webster couldn't even tell what word I was aiming for.)

So my rotten spelling aside, let us all celebrate JB and be glad he was born!

I think you should celebrate by watching my favorite video...

AND for those of you who care, it is also Ron Weasley's "birthday" (or so say the Harry Potter scholars!).

Last year when I was in D.C. we had a party for Ronald, and I must say it was quite a success.  I mean, we had "Lavender Brown-ies", Butterbeer, and some class A decor! our decor consisted of Ronald Weasley internet memes pinned to the map on the wall.  We had limited resources. 

And would you know it? I found a meme that combines Justin and Ron.  

It's a birthday miracle!

See? Told you his mop hair was scary...
