You shouldn't label people, just blogs...

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

The Loveliness Returns!

After a lengthy hiatus….try two years….the blog returns.   And to you, my 4 loyal followers, I intend for it to be as lovely as ever was! 

Wait, Caroline, what reason have you to write a blog?   
***This actually a good question; it’s not like I’m travelling anywhere cool, and I’m not a mom or a newlywed.  So using elimination this lumps me into the category of yet-another-single-mormon-girl-in provo-with-blog.  Gross.  I cringe.*** 

So, why the rebirth of the blog?
Is it because I find Provo as lovely as London?
…Land of zoobies and smog? I think not.

Do I intend to turn this into a fashion blog?
No…however, I wouldn’t mind the free clothes and I do have great taste.

Did I make a new year’s resolution to blog more?
...No, my resolutions are as follows:
  1. Convince myself I hate chocolate
  2. Trick myself into thinking I like running instead
  3. ???
(Okay, so my resolutions need some work...)

So rather, this blog shall simply be a way to use up my free time and be an outlet for my sarcasm.

This being said, I should warn you that the revival may be very short-lived as A. my free time may become less free as the semester progresses and B.  in my effort to become a kinder person, I may find myself less inclined to be sarcastic...

…hahaha who am I kidding!

as always, xoxo!

1 comment:

  1. I am glad you have returned to le blog. It will give me something to do when I have afternoons filled with ADD, boredom or complete apathy towards working.
