You shouldn't label people, just blogs...

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

A survey and some crafting: a post in two (completely unrelated) parts {M Com Blog #8}

Part One:
One of the mandates for my M Com Blog is to create a survey for my readers to take.  I have many thoughts on taking surveys; but rather than fill this post with those thoughts, I decided to let the survey speak for itself.

Therefore, I hope you'll take it.  It will be entertaining! (Really, though.)

Part two:
I decided I don't do enough cliche Mormon blogger things on this site; so, I think it is time I changed that.  Yes, my friends, I am going to share a craft with you!

It's not just any craft.  I am doing this properly.  Anyone who's attended a Mormon "homemaking/enrichment/relief society activity" knows that no craft arsenal is complete without one certain weapon.  On a scale from one to Mormon, *Sorry, had to slip another scale in somewhere ;)* this is right up there with funeral potatoes and family reunions.  I am talking--of course--about Mod-Podge!  For those unfamiliar with this sticky, white substance: it is an all-in-one glue, sealant, and finish.

I even purchased it at the local Hobby Lobby.  I told you I did this properly!

Mod-Podge has even become a verb. For example: Today I mod-podged. I woke up feeling artsy.  It happens sometimes.  Unlike the true artists out there, I can't produce on demand.  Songwriting, drawing, for me, it only happens when I'm having one of my "creative bursts." Thus, when the feeling comes on I go with it.

This morning I had elephants on my mind and a blank canvas sitting around.  Behold!

There you have it: my Mod-Podge masterpiece.  I quite like it!

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